Norfolk Pine aka Araucaria heterophylla
They are considered to be tropical plants and thrive on humidity. They work well in our climate and are found growing naturally in coastal areas. At maturity can reach 5 to 8 feet tall as a house plant and grow taller outdoors. Use it as a border plant along your property line. Use them as a focal point or for some shade. Indoors keep out of the breezes from your AC/heat vents. Grow in containers on your patio or inside your lanai. They prefer several hours of direct sunlight daily. Cold hardy zone 9. Said to tolerate temps to 35 degrees. However, prefer temps between 65 and 76 degrees and can handle our hot summers and humid days too! Not frost tolerant. Mildly drought tolerant and likes a well-draining soil. Holds up during hurricanes too! Said to be salt tolerant. Deer don't seem to bother with them. Toxic to dogs and cats but not horses. Fertilize in the spring, summer, and fall with a good 20-20-20 slow-release fertilizer if indoors you can use liquid every two (2) weeks.

The Farm and Big League Garden Center is located at 1625 Airport Rd., Ormond Beach, FL 32174. Just west of the I95 overpass and east of Tymber Creek Rd. Hours are 10am to 4pm - Tuesday to Saturday.