Get to Know
Our Horses
Crazy Daisy as we call her - she's the most mischiefiest, yet somehow the most lovable.
Daisy gets into the most trouble but then turns on the charm so you don't get mad at her. Remind you of anyone? She's approx 4 years old so she's just a kid! Beautiful paint markings, short and stout - she's become the leader of the pack and has her nose in everyones' business, all the time!
Blossom is Daisy's half-sister - they share the same father. It's actually unmistakable when you see them side-by-side. So similar in body size and makeup. Their heads are almost exact. Blossom sports a beautiful light brown coat and blonde mane. Not quite as attracted to mischief as her sister, but she will certainly take a yard when you give her an inch!

Ahh...Rosie Girl. She started it all for us! Rosie was a rescue. She's approx 14 years old. The people who rescued her from a bad situation had nowhere to keep her and asked if we would take her knowing we had some pasture. C'mon...who could say no to her? Skittish and scared of virtually everything. We showed her lots of love and attention and interaction with our customers and Rosie started coming out of her shell and finally started feeling like she had a home. Rosie seems to warm everyones' heart and is a favorite to many visitors who come to see the horses on a regular basis (she's our favorite too!)

Ivy is the seasoned veteran with the most experience around people. She's a certified therapy horse and is Blossom's mother. When Daisy's mother passed away unexpectedly a few years back, Ivy stepped in as a surrogate mother and raised her as her own. Ivy is approx 12 years old. So you see, Ivy, Blossom and Daisy are sort of a connected family with Rosie being sort of the outsider (even though she was here at the Farm first) So we think that's why everyone is so protective of her and watches over her so intently. But make no mistake, Rosie and Daisy are stall-mates and Daisy loves her like a sister!